I would like to ask you for help ...
We have migrated RH with openLDAP and now core.schema has changed ( --> I cannot find a definition of attributetype 'userPassword' which was present in the previous version:
attributetype ( NAME 'userPassword' EQUALITY octetStringMatch SYNTAX{128} )
Could anyone advise me where can I find userPassword definition? In which file?
I need to change something in the defintion.
Thank you very much for any help!
Best regards,
Jan Pokorný wrote:
I would like to ask you for help ...
We have migrated RH with openLDAP and now core.schema has changed ( --> I cannot find a definition of attributetype 'userPassword' which was present in the previous version:
attributetype ( NAME 'userPassword' EQUALITY octetStringMatch SYNTAX{128} )
Could anyone advise me where can I find userPassword definition? In which file?
I need to change something in the defintion.
Thank you very much for any help!
userPassword has been hardcoded in slapd ever since. In any case, it is not advisable to change standard track schema, since implementations rely on it, so interoperability would be at risk.
Ing. Pierangelo Masarati OpenLDAP Core Team
SysNet s.r.l. via Dossi, 8 - 27100 Pavia - ITALIA http://www.sys-net.it --------------------------------------- Office: +39 02 23998309 Mobile: +39 333 4963172 Email: pierangelo.masarati@sys-net.it ---------------------------------------
--On August 6, 2007 2:21:39 PM +0200 Jan Pokorný jan.pokorny@ruk.cuni.cz wrote:
I would like to ask you for help ...
We have migrated RH with openLDAP and now core.schema has changed ( --> I cannot find a definition of attributetype 'userPassword' which was present in the previous version:
attributetype ( NAME 'userPassword' EQUALITY octetStringMatch SYNTAX{128} )
Could anyone advise me where can I find userPassword definition? In which file?
I need to change something in the defintion.
Not possible without rebuilding OpenLDAP, as the userPassword definition is built into the binary. Why would you want to modify it, in any case?
-- Quanah Gibson-Mount Principal Software Engineer Zimbra, Inc -------------------- Zimbra :: the leader in open source messaging and collaboration
Thanks for reply! We need to have passwords case insensitive, so I have to change octetStringMatch to caseIgnoreMatch.
Do you think there is any "smart" way how to solve it?
dne 6.8.2007 20:35 Quanah Gibson-Mount napsal následující:
--On August 6, 2007 2:21:39 PM +0200 Jan Pokorný jan.pokorny@ruk.cuni.cz wrote:
I would like to ask you for help ...
We have migrated RH with openLDAP and now core.schema has changed ( --> I cannot find a definition of attributetype 'userPassword' which was present in the previous version:
attributetype ( NAME 'userPassword' EQUALITY octetStringMatch SYNTAX{128} )
Could anyone advise me where can I find userPassword definition? In which file?
I need to change something in the defintion.
Not possible without rebuilding OpenLDAP, as the userPassword definition is built into the binary. Why would you want to modify it, in any case?
-- Quanah Gibson-Mount Principal Software Engineer Zimbra, Inc
Zimbra :: the leader in open source messaging and collaboration
--On August 6, 2007 11:00:53 PM +0200 Jan Pokorný jan.pokorny@ruk.cuni.cz wrote:
Thanks for reply! We need to have passwords case insensitive, so I have to change octetStringMatch to caseIgnoreMatch.
Do you think there is any "smart" way how to solve it?
Fix whatever is writing/reading the passwords.
userPassword is by RFC to hold base64 encoded values. Your change has serious flaws in it.
-- Quanah Gibson-Mount Principal Software Engineer Zimbra, Inc -------------------- Zimbra :: the leader in open source messaging and collaboration
Quanah Gibson-Mount wrote:
--On August 6, 2007 11:00:53 PM +0200 Jan Pokorný jan.pokorny@ruk.cuni.cz wrote:
Thanks for reply! We need to have passwords case insensitive, so I have to change octetStringMatch to caseIgnoreMatch.
Do you think there is any "smart" way how to solve it?
Fix whatever is writing/reading the passwords.
userPassword is by RFC to hold base64 encoded values. Your change has serious flaws in it.
s/base64 encoded/Octet String/
Ing. Pierangelo Masarati OpenLDAP Core Team
SysNet s.r.l. via Dossi, 8 - 27100 Pavia - ITALIA http://www.sys-net.it --------------------------------------- Office: +39 02 23998309 Mobile: +39 333 4963172 Email: pierangelo.masarati@sys-net.it ---------------------------------------