ldap version: openldap-2.3.33
If I have a relay set up from server A to server B via:
A: database ldap suffix "" uri ldap://B:389/ lastmod off
B: database relay suffix "o=gpc,c=us" relay "dc=new,dc=gpc,dc=edu" message
This works fine for searches. When someone binds via uid=user,o=gpc,c=us it fails with 49 - invalid credentials. The bind dn in the B server logs is:
when I would want it to translate to uid=user,dc=new,dc=gpc,dc=edu. I do not see, so far, in the doc. where this is discussed. My guess is that I am missing something in front of me again, but I am not sure. Thanks for any help.
relay "dc=new,dc=gpc,dc=edu" message
Dunno if this is the cause ('t'd be too simple) s/message/massage/
Ing. Pierangelo Masarati OpenLDAP Core Team
SysNet s.n.c. Via Dossi, 8 - 27100 Pavia - ITALIA http://www.sys-net.it ------------------------------------------ Office: +39.02.23998309 Mobile: +39.333.4963172 Email: pierangelo.masarati@sys-net.it ------------------------------------------
Sorry, typo problem on my part. It was (and still is) not working with massage. Sorry for the typo in the original post. Thanks!
-----Original Message----- From: openldap-software-bounces+douglas=gpc.edu@openldap.org [mailto:openldap-software-bounces+douglas=gpc.edu@openldap.org]On Behalf Of Pierangelo Masarati Sent: Saturday, February 17, 2007 3:01 PM To: Douglas B. Jones Cc: Douglas B Jones; openldap-software@openldap.org Subject: Re: Authenticating via relaying - binding questions
relay "dc=new,dc=gpc,dc=edu" message
Dunno if this is the cause ('t'd be too simple) s/message/massage/
Ing. Pierangelo Masarati OpenLDAP Core Team
SysNet s.n.c. Via Dossi, 8 - 27100 Pavia - ITALIA http://www.sys-net.it ------------------------------------------ Office: +39.02.23998309 Mobile: +39.333.4963172 Email: pierangelo.masarati@sys-net.it ------------------------------------------