Having some basic experience with OpenLDAP, things like overlays and non-db backends are new to me.
I'm trying to configure slapd in such a way that: - it proxies filtered user-accounts (objectClass=posixAccount) from Novell eDirectory (NDS). - stores some search and bind results locally like the pcache overlay. - But, unlike pcache, it only uses the locally stored ("cached") when The backend (Novell) server is down/unreachable.
I've been through the slapo-* and slapd-* man pages trying to find or contruct a solution. It is possible to do re-writes in the frontend, in order to direct bind requests to another backend-server than search-requests. But is it possible to stack overlays in such a way that a ldap-request goes to another server (or backend) on error or on timeout?
I am running
Hope it is clear what I am trying to achieve (and I hope there is some way). Thanks in advance for any help.
Below this mail is the slapd.conf I have so far, but it does nothing more than proxying a subtree from the Novell eDirectory server, while mapping some selected attributes. (it configures for simple binds and clear text passwords, but this is only for testing)
Heiko Noordhof
~~~~~~~ slap.conf ~~~~~~~
# slapd.conf - Minimal
# Global Options # include /etc/ldap/schema/core.schema include /etc/ldap/schema/cosine.schema include /etc/ldap/schema/nis.schema include /etc/ldap/schema/inetorgperson.schema
loglevel 256 pidfile /var/run/slapd/slapd.pid argsfile /var/run/slapd/slapd.args
modulepath /usr/lib/ldap moduleload back_hdb moduleload back_ldap moduleload rwm
access to dn="" by * read
access to attrs=userPassword by self write by * auth
access to * by * read
# LDAP proxy database # database ldap protocol-version 3 uri "ldap://ldap.example.nl/" suffix "o=example,c=nl"
# Rewrite overlay # overlay rwm rwm-map objectClass ndsLoginProperties rwm-map attribute cn * rwm-map attribute sn * rwm-map attribute givenName * rwm-map attribute initials * rwm-map attribute mail * rwm-map attribute title * rwm-map attribute telephoneNumber * rwm-map attribute l * rwm-map attribute postalCode * rwm-map attribute postalAddress * rwm-map attribute ou * rwm-map attribute homeDirectory * rwm-map attribute uidNumber * rwm-map attribute gidNumber * rwm-map attribute uid * rwm-map attribute *