openldap community,
I would like your comments about some cache configuration. I'm sending attached my slapd.conf for full information about my system.
Since I have some memory constraints I needed to limit using cache configuration in slapd.conf file.
#Cache values #cachesize 10000 cachesize 20000 dncachesize 3000000 #dncachesize 400000 #idlcachesize 10000 idlcachesize 30000 #cachefree 10 cachefree 10000
Since I was initially testing using only ldapseach through all DB, dncachesize in 3,000,000 was controlling correctly the use of memory.
Then using the same cache constraints in slapd.conf I create a jmeter script with a csv file that individually search for each entrance in the DB. This would be understand as individual ldapsearch with individual entrances search different from a ldapsearch for all entrances in DB.
But for my surprise the memory was consumed much faster and when around 500K entrances were searched , much less than the ldapsearch full in 3,000,000 cache, I already had the same memory consumption. In this way I had a crash in slapd since the memory was all allocated.
I would like your help to understand these memory constraints configuration and why memory consumption behavior was so different in these 2 cases.
For summary :
Case 1: Search full DB using a single ldapsearch (ldapsearch <parameters> filter=* )
Case2: Multiple searches to all entrances in DB using like multiple ldapsearch (ldapsearch <parameters> filter=<unique DB>)
Is there any difference between these two cases based in cache limitation?
Maybe I've some incorrect understanding about cache configuration.
Best Regards,