using OpenLDAP 2.4.10 (RE24) I'm trying to explicitly delete a value of attribute postalAddress:
--------------------------------------------------------------- dn: cn=Fred Feuerstein,ou=Testing,dc=stroeder,dc=de changetype: modify delete: postalAddress postalAddress: zeile 1$zeile 2$zeile 3 -
But this results in an error:
modifying entry "cn=Fred Feuerstein,ou=Testing,dc=stroeder,dc=de" ldapmodify: Inappropriate matching (18) additional info: modify/delete: postalAddress: no equality matching rule
But postalAddress is declared in the schema like this:
( NAME 'postalAddress' DESC 'RFC2256: postal address' EQUALITY caseIgnoreListMatch SUBSTR caseIgnoreListSubstringsMatch SYNTAX )
Aarrgh! What's up with that? If the equality matching rule is not implemented it should not be announced in the subschema. The server should not simply report what might have been defined in some RFC.
Background: When generating deltas in web2ldap attribute values are now explicitly deleted if there's an EQUALITY matching rule defined for an attribute type. This is done to prevent applying changes in case an entry and its attributes was changed during the user editing the entry.
Ciao, Michael.