I need to create few object classes and attribute types ..hence i created a schema file of my own with all the entries...i have used the experimental OIDs specified in openLDAP.org in my schema file which is openLDAP experimental ** Experimental attribute types ** Experimental objectclasses ** Experimental syntax **
.......sample schema file is as below.........
attributetype( NAME 'ssarole' DESC 'This attribute defines the role' SYNTAX MULTI-VALUE )
attributetype( NAME 'ssaugtype' DESC 'This is Usergroup Type' SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE )
attributetype( NAME 'approverlimit' DESC 'Limit of the approver' SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE )
objectclass( NAME 'ssauser' DESC 'SSA User' SUP ssabase STRUCTURAL MAY( telephonenumber $ title $ mobile $ displayname $ facsimiletelephonenumber $ preferredlanguage $ postaladdress $ c ) )
objectclass( NAME 'supplier' DESC 'SSA Supplier' SUP ssauser STRUCTURAL MUST businesspartnerid )
objectclass( NAME 'customer' DESC 'SSA Customer' SUP ssauser STRUCTURAL MUST businesspartnerid )
objectclass( NAME 'ssaroleobj' DESC 'SSA Role' SUP top STRUCTURAL MUST cn MAY description )
and then i have included my schema file into the slapd.conf.....
now i have tried to add my ldif file (using ldapmodify) ....which looks like below(theres just one entry at present)..............
dn: uid=admin,ou=ssausers,dc=ssainternal,dc=net changetype: add objectClass: top objectClass: ssauser objectClass: ssantuser objectclass: ssabase uid: admin cn: admin userpassword: admin ssarole: administrator ssarole: superadministrator sn: admin preferredlanguage: en_US ntuserdomainid: ssainternal .....................
but i get an error saying
ldap_add: Invalid syntax (21) additional info: objectClass: value #1 invalid per syntax
our schema file is actually not being recognized by the server i.e, though i include it or not in the slapd.conf its making no difference :(...........and hence the object classes arnt being recognized...........
is it because of the OIDs i have used or is there any *real syntax* *error*in the schema file............is it ok if i append my schema details in any of the openLDAP schema files(core.schema,,,,nis.schema....misc.schema )???????
kindly let me know as to how to get that ldif entry added .
"shilpa muramkar" ratnashilpa@gmail.com writes:
I need to create few object classes and attribute types ..hence i created a schema file of my own with all the entries...i have used the experimental OIDs specified in openLDAP.org in my schema file which is
openLDAP experimental
Experimental attribute types
Experimental objectclasses
Experimental syntax
This is OID arc is a managed name space and not for private use http://www.alvestrand.no/objectid/
.......sample schema file is as below.........
attributetype( NAME 'ssarole' DESC 'This attribute defines the role' SYNTAX MULTI-VALUE )
This is not a valid syntax OID, see RFC-4517 for syntaxes