My Provider settings are
################### #Replication Stuff# ###################
#updateref the ldap server to which clients submit update requests updateref ldap://
#Provider (master) must be implemeneted as an overlay overlay syncprov
#syncprov-checkpoint <ops> <minutes> syncprov-checkpoint 100 10
#syncprov-sessionlog <size> syncprov-sessionlog 100
On May 24, 2007, at 7:23 PM, Gavin Henry wrote:
What are your provider settings?
On 24/05/07, Steven Bambling wrote:
I am in the process of setting up replication between 2 ldap servers...I am moving from the older slupd to syncrepl. Wh I try to start the ldap server after adding in the necessary config into slapd.conf file I get this error.
syncrepl: database already shadowed
Below is the parameters that I am using for syncrepl any help or a point in the correct direction would be much appreciated.
################### #Replication Stuff# ###################
#updated=the DN allowed to make changes to the replica (masteer) updatedn "cn=copycat,dc=srtest,dc=com
#updateref the ldap server to which clients submit update requests updateref ldap://
#syncrepl rid=replica ID syncrepl rid=420
#Address of the provider (master) ldap server provider=ldap://
#tyep=refreshOnly|refreshAndPersist type=refreshAndPersist
#interval=dd:hh:mm:ss interval=01:00:00:00
#retry=<retry interval> <# of retries> retry=60 10 300 3
#searchbase=<base DN> searchbase="dc=srtest,dc=com"
#scope=sub|one|base scope=sub
#filter=<filter string filter="(objectClass=*)"
#attrs=<attr list> attrs="*,+"
#schemachecking=on|off schemachecking=off
Thanks, STEVE