Hi! How to grant privileges to all users from, let say, ou=People,o=organization,c=US with gidNumber=1056 to ou=Private,ou=AddressBook,o=organization,c=US ?
Try this:
access to dn.one="ou=Private,ou=AddressBook,o=organization,c=US" by self write by anonymous auth by group.exact="ou=Private,ou=AddressBook,o=organization,c=US" write by * none
admin wrote:
Hi! How to grant privileges to all users from, let say, ou=People,o=organization,c=US with gidNumber=1056 to ou=Private,ou=AddressBook,o=organization,c=US ?
admin wrote:
How to grant privileges to all users from, let say, ou=People,o=organization,c=US with gidNumber=1056 to ou=Private,ou=AddressBook,o=organization,c=US ?
Read about access control in OpenLDAP in the fine OpenLDAP docs.
Admin-Guide for 2.3.x: http://www.openldap.org/doc/admin23/slapdconf2.html#Access%20Control
Admin-Guide for 2.4.x: http://www.openldap.org/doc/admin24/slapdconf2.html#Access%20Control
Nice examples in FAQ-O-MATIC: http://www.openldap.org/faq/data/cache/189.html
Ciao, Michael.