Hello all.
I trying to make this:
One central LDAP server with such sctructure:
company -> city1 -> users -> samba users accaunts -> computers -> samba computers -> groups -> samba groups
-> city2 -> same as above
and so on.
On slave LDAPs im will have such structure:
city1 -> users -> samba users accaunts -> computers -> samba computers -> groups -> samba groups
So I need to make such replication:
LDAP on city1 replycate only information from master LDAP dc=city1 and sub containers.
On centaral LDAP I use 2.4.11 version. On slave I use 2.3.43 with Syncrepl (because of some problems with nss_ldap and LDAP 2.4.x)
Is something like this will work?
syncrepl rid=123 provider=ldap://masterldapurl type=refreshAndPersist interval=0:0:01:00 retry="60 10 300 3" searchbase="dc=city1,dc=company" filter="(objectClass=*)" scope=sub attrs="*,+" schemachecking=off bindmethod=simple binddn=someauth updatedn=someauth credentials=somepass