On 22/03/10 16:36 +0200, Μανόλης Βλαχάκης wrote:
And i forgot to mention another problem i face but i dont think it is related to the one i mentioned before...
on the ldap i get only that on the log
*Mar 22 16:35:18 proof slapd: auxpropfunc error no mechanism available Mar 22 16:35:18 proof slapd: _sasl_plugin_load failed on sasl_auxprop_plug_init for plugin: sql
By default, the Cyrus SASL library will attempt to initialize all available auxprop plugins. You have a sql auxprop plugin installed, but you have not specified required sql parameters to initialize the plugin.
You can explicitly specify which auxprop plugins you want to use In /usr/lib/sasl2/slapd.conf (or the appropriate location on your system):
auxprop_plugin: slapd
or you can just remove the sql shared library so cyrus doesn't attempt to initialize it.