Wilhelm Meier wilhelm.meier@fh-kl.de writes:
I think this is a relative simple question but I did not use the meta/ldap-backend before.
We have an openldap-server for user authentification. The user bind as
where <user> is the actual username.
We have a diffent application where only users of a special posixGroup "Archiv" should be valid. The application is not capable of doing some sort of filtering.
So, I thought it must be passoble to do this filtering with the meta or ldap-backup using the original ldap-db:
the filter should look like:
where <user> is the username as above.
You don't provide an example of the applications searchstring, so only as a general hint, the rewrite engine of back-ldap, back-meta or back-relay might meet your requirements, man slapo-rwm(5), man slapd-meta(5), slapd-relay(5) provide some information.