--On Thursday, May 06, 2010 2:51 AM +0800 Joshua Lim joshua__lim@hotmail.com wrote:
Hi, I'm a newbie, downloaded a Windows compilation of OpenLDAP v2.4.18 from http://www.userbooster.de/en/download/openldap-for-windows.aspx
Am having some problems trying to get a client to bind to my setup, the error is: do_bind: invalid dn
conn=0 op=0 do_bind: invalid dn (wael)
What would have been helpful is how you were operating the bind.
"wael" is clearly not a valid DN, which is why you get the error you are getting. I would expect something more like:
Quanah Gibson-Mount Principal Software Engineer Zimbra, Inc -------------------- Zimbra :: the leader in open source messaging and collaboration