"shilpa muramkar" ratnashilpa@gmail.com writes:
hey thr....the extract i have given u is just a part of my schema......i do have all the objectclasses in the schema file...and i have included in the slapd.conf ..........and i have also restarted the server...
all my data is ldifs is getting added except for this one
dn: uid=admin,ou=ssausers,dc=ssainternal,dc=net changetype: add objectClass: top objectClass: ssauser objectClass: ssantuser uid: admin cn: admin userpassword: admin ssarole: administrator ssarole: superadministrator sn: admin preferredlanguage: en_US ntuserdomainid: ssainternal
thats why i thought must be there is some problem with the object classes mentioned in this entry......i do have those in my schema......
objectclass( NAME 'ssauser' DESC 'SSA User' SUP ssabase STRUCTURAL MAY( telephonenumber $ title $ mobile $ displayname $ facsimiletelephonenumber $ preferredlanguage $ postaladdress $ c ) )
objectclass( NAME 'ssantuser' DESC 'SSA NT User Profile' SUP top STRUCTURAL MUST ntuserdomainid )
As both of your object classes ssauser and ssantuser are defined as structural and do not belong to the same objectclass chain, an entry cannot belong to both object classes.