On Mon, Nov 20, 2006 at 11:00:46AM +0200, G?khan wrote:
I have a question on LDAP search issue. I want to disable full search on the LDAP tree.
My LDAP Tree is:
c=US, o=Dept1, cn=John Smith c=US, o=Dept1, cn=Ann Adams
I want to deny to read full listing of the tree but only allow when the search condition meets only the required person. In the example above I want nobody to be listed. But when the search criteria is "c=US, o=Dept1, cn=Ann Adams" this entry must be listed. When a search on "c=US" comes, nothing must be listed.
What is the correct Access Control Information for this request??
Something like: access to dn.children=c=US, o=Dept1 by * read access to dn.children=c=US, o=Dept2 by * read access to dn.sub=c=US by * deny
It's just untested idea. For details read slapd.access(5) about dnstyle