Pierangelo Masarati wrote:
Quanah Gibson-Mount wrote:
--On Tuesday, August 28, 2007 8:16 PM +0200 Pierangelo Masarati ando@sys-net.it wrote:
Quanah Gibson-Mount wrote:
Why not use Net::LDAPapi or Net::LDAP (both perl) or PHP to do the password change?
PHP can't do ldap exops (without my patch: http://www.sys-net.it/~ando/Download/#PHP).
Ah.. Have you filed a bug with the PHP folks? ;)
Well, I tried, but got bounced with arguments like:
- too many functions for a functionality (support for generic controls
in requests & responses; support for well-known controls, from either RFCs or I.D.s; support for generic extended operations and extended responses; support for well-known extended operations from RFCs or I.D.s)
function naming not intuitive (mutuated from the underlying libldap)
I made the mistake of using ldap_sasl_bind, which contains SASL it its
name; since my patch had nothing to do with SASL, this caused rejection.
I could not argue to this, but I routinely get feedback from people that download my patch and ask when is it going to be included in PHP. Note that my patch is maintained for PHP HEAD, but it applies almost straightforward back to PHP 4, which is (finally) being dismissed this year. This is to mention how well maintained LDAP support is. I even offered to become the maintainer myself, instead of those braindead who (don't) take care of it right now. Probably, I'm not competent enough.
Yeah, I don't think you have the experience to be honest. PHP is for expert programmers, not C hackers. You should know that!