On Monday 31 March 2008 10:20:05 Padmavathi Dt wrote:
Dear List,
Can anyone please tell me how to check which database is being used by our openLDAP?
Firstly, it is impossible that you are using db4.6 with OpenLDAP 2.2, OpenLDAP 2.2 (and 2.3) don't support db4.6. Secondly, you can check with tools such as ldd which shared library the slapd binary was linked to. Which in your case will most likely be the copy of 4.2 shipped in the RHEL4 OpenLDAP 2.2 packages.
Or, you could just have told us that you were running RHEL4, and we could have told you.
Please di Also please advice me whether we can use the openldap packages that come along with O.S.
Depends on the OS.
Because I have seen people advicing not to use openLDAP RPms that come with O.S
Mainly because they are too old.
Regards, Buchan