See notes below - deleted all completed points to keep mail size down
Pierangelo Masarati wrote:
Question 3: I have a olcLogLevel attribute of any (-1) visible through cn=config but was surprised this was not used to initialize the log settings of cn=log,cn=monitor.
cn=monitor presents whatever value of loglevel was set at startup time - by startup I mean startup of the monitor database. Subsequently, if you modify cn=config or cn=monitor, the managedInfo attribute should reflect it. Your message seems to indicate there's a mishandling of modifications. If you could clarify it a little bit further, it could be investigated and fixed, if a fix is needed.
Will do some more work and file an its if I think there is a problem
My point is that there might well be some problem there, since back-monitor came before back-config (otherwise back-monitor would probably have done well without update capabilities, at least in areas now covered by back-config). Sometimes, those issues, if any, don't show up immediately, but rather when users try to do something uncommon, either on purpose or by chance. That's why I ask you to explain the best you can what inconsistency you see and what operation triggered that inconsistency (if there's any inconsistency at all, we'll judge that later).
subtle but understandable - as a passing note for the future there does seem to be some merit in combining monitor and config into a single capability - ah if there was only enough time
Question 4: Where is/are the schema/objectclasses for cn=monitor stored! I tried to get them using cn=subschema,cn=monitor - nada.
cn=subschema, like all OpenLDAP's slapd schema.
tried there also - no monitorXXX object classes at all. Found a README file in source under servers/slap/back-monitor which suggested some strange use of object classes so am going to poke around the source and see what I can find - any pointer would be appreciated.
Well, monitor schema is schema like any other. Since slapd puts all of its schema in there, it should be there:
tried command exactly as you stated - no objectclasses or attributetypes for 'monitor' - did the same with + - can send full list if required - I could not see any relevant schema - the original slapd.conf had includes for core, cosine and inetorgperson only- but I'm on cn=config though I can't see what difference that would make? Am I missing an include?
bash-3.00$ ldapsearch -x -H ldap://:9011 -b cn=subschema -s base objectclasses attributetypes | grep -i monitor attributeTypes: ( NAME 'monitorContext' DESC 'monito attributeTypes: ( NAME 'olcMonitoring' SYNT attributeTypes: ( NAME 'monitoredInfo' DESC 'monit attributeTypes: ( NAME 'managedInfo' DESC 'monitor attributeTypes: ( NAME 'monitorCounter' DESC 'moni attributeTypes: ( NAME 'monitorOpCompleted' DESC ' monitor completed operations' SUP monitorCounter NO-USER-MODIFICATION USAGE d attributeTypes: ( NAME 'monitorOpInitiated' DESC ' monitor initiated operations' SUP monitorCounter NO-USER-MODIFICATION USAGE d attributeTypes: ( NAME 'monitorConnectionNumber' D ESC 'monitor connection number' SUP monitorCounter NO-USER-MODIFICATION USAGE attributeTypes: ( NAME 'monitorConnectionAuthzDN' DESC 'monitor connection authorization DN' EQUALITY distinguishedNameMatch SY attributeTypes: ( NAME 'monitorConnectionLocalAddr ess' DESC 'monitor connection local address' SUP monitoredInfo NO-USER-MODIFI attributeTypes: ( NAME 'monitorConnectionPeerAddre ss' DESC 'monitor connection peer address' SUP monitoredInfo NO-USER-MODIFICA attributeTypes: ( NAME 'monitorTimestamp' DESC 'm attributeTypes: ( NAME 'monitorOverlay' DESC 'nam e of overlays defined for a given database' SUP monitoredInfo NO-USER-MODIFIC attributeTypes: ( NAME 'monitorConnectionProtocol ' DESC 'monitor connection protocol' SUP monitoredInfo NO-USER-MODIFICATION U attributeTypes: ( NAME 'monitorConnectionOpsRecei ved' DESC 'monitor number of operations received by the connection' SUP monit attributeTypes: ( NAME 'monitorConnectionOpsExecu ting' DESC 'monitor number of operations in execution within the connection' SUP monitorCounter NO-USER-MODIFICATION USAGE dSAOperation ) attributeTypes: ( NAME 'monitorConnectionOpsPendi ng' DESC 'monitor number of pending operations within the connection' SUP mon attributeTypes: ( NAME 'monitorConnectionOpsCompl eted' DESC 'monitor number of operations completed within the connection' SUP monitorCounter NO-USER-MODIFICATION USAGE dSAOperation ) attributeTypes: ( NAME 'monitorConnectionGet' DES C 'number of times connection_get() was called so far' SUP monitorCounter NO- attributeTypes: ( NAME 'monitorConnectionRead' DE SC 'number of times connection_read() was called so far' SUP monitorCounter N attributeTypes: ( NAME 'monitorConnectionWrite' D ESC 'number of times connection_write() was called so far' SUP monitorCounter attributeTypes: ( NAME 'monitorConnectionMask' DE SC 'monitor connection mask' SUP monitoredInfo NO-USER-MODIFICATION USAGE dSA attributeTypes: ( NAME 'monitorConnectionListener ' DESC 'monitor connection listener' SUP monitoredInfo NO-USER-MODIFICATION U attributeTypes: ( NAME 'monitorConnectionPeerDoma in' DESC 'monitor connection peer domain' SUP monitoredInfo NO-USER-MODIFICAT attributeTypes: ( NAME 'monitorConnectionStartTim e' DESC 'monitor connection start time' SUP monitorTimestamp SINGLE-VALUE NO- attributeTypes: ( NAME 'monitorConnectionActivity Time' DESC 'monitor connection activity time' SUP monitorTimestamp SINGLE-VAL attributeTypes: ( NAME 'monitorIsShadow' DESC 'TR attributeTypes: ( NAME 'monitorUpdateRef' DESC 'u pdate referral for shadow databases' SUP monitoredInfo SINGLE-VALUE USAGE dSA attributeTypes: ( NAME 'monitorRuntimeConfig' DES SC 'Number of items in Entry Cache' SUP monitorCounter NO-USER-MODIFICATION U 'Number of items in DN Cache' SUP monitorCounter NO-USER-MODIFICATION USAGE d 'Number of items in IDL Cache' SUP monitorCounter NO-USER-MODIFICATION USAGE SC 'Missing indexes resulting from candidate selection' SUP monitoredInfo NO- rrorMode $ olcMonitoring ) ) objectClasses: ( NAME 'monitor' DESC 'OpenLDAP sys tem monitoring' SUP top STRUCTURAL MUST cn MAY ( description $ seeAlso $ labe ledURI $ monitoredInfo $ managedInfo $ monitorOverlay ) ) objectClasses: ( NAME 'monitorServer' DESC 'Server monitoring root entry' SUP monitor STRUCTURAL ) objectClasses: ( NAME 'monitorContainer' DESC 'mon itor container class' SUP monitor STRUCTURAL ) objectClasses: ( NAME 'monitorCounterObject' DESC 'monitor counter class' SUP monitor STRUCTURAL ) objectClasses: ( NAME 'monitorOperation' DESC 'mon itor operation class' SUP monitor STRUCTURAL ) objectClasses: ( NAME 'monitorConnection' DESC 'mo nitor connection class' SUP monitor STRUCTURAL ) r managed entity class' SUP monitor STRUCTURAL ) objectClasses: ( NAME 'monitoredObject' DESC 'moni tor monitored entity class' SUP monitor STRUCTURAL ) objectClasses: ( NAME 'olcMonitorConfig' DES C 'Monitor backend configuration' SUP olcDatabaseConfig STRUCTURAL )
Ing. Pierangelo Masarati OpenLDAP Core Team
SysNet s.r.l. via Dossi, 8 - 27100 Pavia - ITALIA
Office: +39 02 23998309 Mobile: +39 333 4963172 Email: