Hi, Can anyone help me out understanding an issue with timestamps I'm having, is there a config option to use one or the other format or a search term that matches both?
If a user on out master ldap (Solaris 10, openldap 2.4.8 ) server is updated, a timestamp is set with a trailing Z and the record is propogated to the slaves (debian, openldap 2.3.30) with the same timestamp.
eg 20090210151527Z
If a MODRDN is applied to a user, the tiemstamp on the master is still of the format 20090210151527Z, but on the slave it becomes more precise I.E. 20090210151527.623654
If I modify the user again, the timestamp reverts to the Z notation.
I wouldn't care, but I have a script that syncs up another system looking for modified users and modifyTimeStamp>=20090210150000Z doesn't match for the other format, nor does dropping the Z seem to help.
Thanks, Duncan