John Morrissey wrote:
On Tue, Nov 11, 2008 at 02:18:10PM -0800, Quanah Gibson-Mount wrote:
--On Tuesday, November 11, 2008 4:35 PM -0500 John Morrissey wrote:
Instead of slapcat(8)/slapadd(8)ding the old databases, we're removing the existing databases and allowing slapd(8) to delta-syncrepl a copy from scratch. Ironing out this use case is especially important for us since we expect to be adding a number of consumers in the coming months and would obviously prefer to bring them online without having to shut down any other slapd instances for slapcat(8)ting.
Why would you have to shut down a server to slapcat it? Hot slapcatting has been supported for a long time.
Right, slapcat's man page indicates it's always safe to run against the bdb backend, but I suspect that's referring more to read concurrency and not necessarily the generation of a consistent, point-in-time snapshot of the database.
Consistency is preserved at entry level. If there is consistency needed across several related entry this cannot be guaranteed with pure LDAPv3.
Ciao, Michael.