I'm using syncrepl for a while now, but I've encountered till now two problems. One was due to entries having two identical mail attributes. Don't know how it happened but it blocked the syncrepl consumer. Since a few days now I encountered another problem: the provider deleted an entry. I received a mail from my scripts informing that the replication was broken. I restarted openldap(2.3.27) and then most of the problems disappeared except an entry which is only on the consumer side.
I tried moving to last release 2.3.32 consumer, then provider and wait a long day without success. Before restarting from an ldif, I would like to understand the problem if somebody has an idea..
*provider:* dn: dc=univmed,dc=fr contextCSN: 20070206145429Z#000000#00#000000
slapd.conf cachesize 50000 dbconfig set_cachesize 0 140000000 1 dbconfig set_flags DB_LOG_AUTOREMOVE dbconfig set_tas_spins 1 dbconfig set_lg_regionmax 262144 idlcachesize 150000 checkpoint 1024 5 # flush tous les 1Mo ou 5 minutes overlay syncprov syncprov-checkpoint 100 10 syncprov-sessionlog 2000
*consumer* dn: dc=univmed,dc=fr contextCSN: 20070206145618Z#000000#00#000000
slapd.conf checkpoint 1024 5 # flush tous les 1Mo ou 5 minutes sizelimit -1 syncrepl rid=123 provider=ldap://xxx:389 type=refreshAndPersist bindmethod=simple binddn="xx" credentials="xx$" schemachecking=off searchbase="dc=univmed,dc=fr" filter="(objectClass=*)" retry="30,10,300,10,1600,+" scope=sub attrs="*,+"