I've noticed that adding users to LDAP groups seems to generate lots of log.* files. Adding about 10 users to various LDAP groups (as 10 individual ldap_mod_add transactions from a PHP script) generates a 10MB log.* file, and in half an hour of running the script, I wind up with a dozen or more log.* files.
In my slapd.conf, I have:
checkpoint 100 10
and in DB_CONFIG, I have:
But the log files stick around until I execute:
/usr/sbin/slapd_db_checkpoint -1 /usr/sbin/slapd_db_archive -d
Am I missing something here? I'm thinking that based on my configuration, I should wind up with one or two log.* files at any given time, but it seems that the options are perhaps being ignored?
Tim Gustafson SOE Webmaster UC Santa Cruz tjg@soe.ucsc.edu 831-459-5354