This means I cannot use the same original LDIF file to load in parallel the master and slave at the same time.
I need to load the master, then slapcat it and then finally load the slave to have a correct startup. Just confirming the procedure.
Quanah Gibson-Mount wrote:
--On Tuesday, May 05, 2009 6:50 PM -0700 Rodrigo Costa rlvcosta@yahoo.com wrote:
I made exactly what you said even using the -q flag in the slapadd command. So in summary I did :
- Load the master DB using LDIF file through slapdd(-q flag and
DB_CACHEZIZE to 1GB); 2) Load the slave DB using LDIF(same) file through slapdd(-q flag and DB_CACHEZIZE to 1GB); 3)Then have the slapd.conf files appropriately configured 4)Start master and then after some minutes start slave.
Unless the LDIF was a valid export from a master, you should have slapcat'd the master after step 1, and used that LDIF to load the replica in step 2.
Quanah Gibson-Mount Principal Software Engineer Zimbra, Inc
Zimbra :: the leader in open source messaging and collaboration