I am using openldap-2.3.39 stable version. I am able to encode using the etest.c in library/liblber directory. But I am not able to decode the encoded data.
I am encoding the data and this data is written to a file in binary format. While decoding the data, this file is opened and the descriptor is passed as the parameter to the function "ber_sockbuf_add_io". Then doing the ber_get_next and then doing the ber_scanf.
If I have encoded one ber element its decoding. If I decode 2 elements ber_get_next fails. I am not sure why this is happening.
This is what the output I get when I do ./dtest
[root@Linux liblber]# ./dtest ===fd1 = 3 ber_get_next ber_get_next: Numerical result out of range [root@Linux liblber]#
Kindly help me .....
With regards ShashiKumar.
My program is as follows
-------------------------------------Etest.c------------------------- #include "lber-int.h" #include "portable.h"
#include <stdio.h> #include <ac/stdlib.h>
#include <ac/socket.h> #include <ac/string.h> #include <ac/unistd.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include <unistd.h>
#ifdef HAVE_CONSOLE_H #include <console.h> #endif /* HAVE_CONSOLE_H */
#include "lber.h"
static void usage( const char *name ) { fprintf( stderr, "usage: %s fmtstring\n", name ); }
static char* getbuf( void ) { char *p; static char buf[1024]; if ( fgets( buf, sizeof(buf), stdin ) == NULL ) return NULL;
if ( (p = strchr( buf, '\n' )) != NULL ) *p = '\0';
return buf; }
int main( int argc, char **argv ) { char *s; char ch = 'i'; int tag; char arr[20]; int i; ber_len_t count;
int fd, fd1,rc; BerElement *ber , *ber1; Sockbuf *sb; /* enable debugging */ int ival = -1; ber_set_option( NULL, LBER_OPT_DEBUG_LEVEL, &ival ); fd = fileno(stdout);
sb = ber_sockbuf_alloc(); ber_sockbuf_add_io( sb, &ber_sockbuf_io_fd, LBER_SBIOD_LEVEL_PROVIDER, (void *)&fd );
if( sb == NULL ) { perror( "ber_sockbuf_alloc_fd" ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); }
if ( (ber = ber_alloc_t( LBER_USE_DER )) == NULL ) { perror( "ber_alloc" ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); }
fprintf(stderr, "encode: start\n" );
ber_printf( ber, "iii", 107,108,109);
if ( ber_flush( sb, ber, 0 ) == -1 ) { perror( "ber_flush" ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } memcpy((void *)arr,(void *)ber->ber_buf,ber->ber_len); printf("ber_len = %d\n",ber->ber_len); fd1 = open("./abc",O_WRONLY|O_CREAT); printf("====fd = %d\n",fd1); write(fd1,ber->ber_buf,ber->ber_len); for(i = 0; i<ber->ber_len; i++) printf("0x%02x ",ber->ber_buf[i]); printf("\n"); ber_sockbuf_free( sb ); ber_free( ber, 1 ); return( EXIT_SUCCESS ); }
--------------------------dtest.c------------------------------- #include "portable.h"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ac/stdlib.h> #include <ac/string.h> #include <ac/socket.h> #include <ac/unistd.h> #include <ac/errno.h>
#ifdef HAVE_CONSOLE_H #include <console.h> #endif
#include <lber.h> #include <sys/types.h> #include <sys/stat.h> #include <fcntl.h> #include<unistd.h> #include "lber.h"
static void usage( const char *name ) { fprintf( stderr, "usage: %s fmt\n", name ); }
int main( int argc, char **argv ) { char *s;
ber_tag_t tag; ber_len_t len;
BerElement *ber; BerElement *ber1; Sockbuf *sb; int fd,fd1; char buf[128]; char buf1[128]; char fmt[2]; int a,b; fmt[0] = *s; fmt[1] = '\0';
/* enable debugging */ int ival = -1; ber_set_option( NULL, LBER_OPT_DEBUG_LEVEL, &ival ); /* if ( argc < 2 ) { usage( argv[0] ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } */ #ifdef HAVE_CONSOLE_H ccommand( &argv ); cshow( stdout ); #endif
sb = ber_sockbuf_alloc(); fd1 = open("./abc",O_RDWR); printf("===fd1 = %d\n",fd1); ber_sockbuf_add_io( sb, &ber_sockbuf_io_fd, LBER_SBIOD_LEVEL_TRANSPORT, void *)&fd1 ); ber = ber_alloc_t(LBER_USE_DER); ber1 = ber_alloc_t(LBER_USE_DER); if( ber == NULL ) { perror( "ber_alloc_t" ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); }
for (;;) { tag = ber_get_next( sb, &len, ber); if( tag != LBER_ERROR ) break;
if( errno == EWOULDBLOCK ) continue; if( errno == EAGAIN ) continue;
perror( "ber_get_next" ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); }
printf("decode: message tag 0x%lx and length %ld\n", (unsigned long) tag, (long) len ); ival = 0; for( ;;) { len = sizeof(buf); //printf("decode: format %s\n", fmt ); tag = ber_scanf( ber, "iii", &a, &b ,&buf[0]); if( tag == LBER_ERROR ) { perror( "ber_scanf" ); return( EXIT_FAILURE ); } }
ber_sockbuf_free( sb ); return( EXIT_SUCCESS ); }