On Sun, 6 Jan 2008, Brent Clark wrote:
And here is my test1 file
zion:/tmp/ldap# cat /home/bclark/OPENLDAP/test1 # Domain Entry dn: dc=brent, dc=local objectclass: dcObject objectclass: organization o: Abc Consulting dc: brent.local
That last line should be "dc: brent" to match the "dc=brent" RDN.
dn:cn=Manager,dc=brent, dc=local objectclass: organizationalRole cn=Manager
Likewise, that should be "cn: Manager". And you need(?) a space after the ":" in the DN.
There could be other mistakes (such as the one that Quanah pointed out which I didn't spot); I'm still on holiday, and can't access my usual resources...