Paul Shevtsov wrote:
Ok. I fixed this promlem. updatedn on slave was not equal updaetdn on master.
There's supposed to be no "updatedn" on the master; I assume you mean the "binddn" in the "replica" statement.
But i have next problem.
Replica from slave not pass to master. On slvae i have message "referral="" and silence...
"" is not a valid referral URI. In any case, the slave is not supposed to pass anything to the master; it's supposed to return a referral when anyone tries to write on it.
Sorry ... i write wrong message, yes certainly this was "referral="" I remake replica from slurp to synrepl, it work fine from master to slave but i again have problem write changes from slave to master ---------------------------slave conf-----------------------------------
syncrepl rid=123 provider=ldap://ldap.dgb.local:389 type=refreshOnly interval=00:00:05:00 searchbase="ou=users,dc=dgb,dc=local" scope=sub attrs="*" schemacheking=off updatedn "cn=syncuser,dc=dgb,dc=local" bindmethod=simple binddn="cn=syncuser,dc=dgb,dc=local" credentials=******* updateref ldap://ldap.dgb.local:389 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- I try from differnt client
ldapadd return message from slave - "ldap_add: Referral (10) referrals: ldap://ldap.dgb.local/uid=bbb1,ou=user,dc=dgb,dc=local" LDAP Admin from windows return message from master
"text=modifications require authentication".
P.S. I got crash master slapd when i try syncreplica with type=refreshAndPersist. refreshOnly - work fine. P.P.S. Sorry - but english not mine native language. :)
Ing. Pierangelo Masarati OpenLDAP Core Team
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