[On 09 Nov, @02:29, Kurt D. Zeilenga wrote in "Re: DN syntax question ..."]
At 01:19 AM 11/8/2006, Miek Gieben wrote:
o=client,ou=Organizations,o=companyName,ou=relations,dc=xxx,dc=yy,dc=zz slapd[3418]: send_ldap_result: err=64 matched="" text="value of naming attribute 'o' is not present in entry"
This error means that the value "client" is missing from the attribute 'o' of the entry.
Thanks. Quanah also explained this to me,
-- Regards,
R. Gieben | BIT BV | http://www.bit.nl PGP: 6A3C F450 6D4E 7C6B C23C F982 258B 85CF 3880 D0F6