Alexander Bruckner wrote:
An entry should look like this (as it is entered into the directory): .... mail: mail:
What does "should look like" mean? Is it really added like this? Can you confirm that with OpenLDAP's command-line tool ldapsearch?
After a while the entry suddenly looks like this: mail:,
This is not a server issue for sure. Either a client is modifying the data or the client producing the second LDIF output is misbehaving on multi-valued attributes. Please verify your directory content by looking at the LDIF output generated by OpenLDAP's command-line tool ldapsearch.
I cannot find any cron-jobs modifying the ldap-directory, or any application with write-permission. The modification seems to happen accidentally.
If really the content of the entry changed you have to search harder... ;-)
Ciao, Michael.