On Mon, 2007-12-10 Denis Sacchet wrote:
I have a strange behaviour regarding TLS encryption with an LDAP server. Everything works like a charm for a while, and without any sign, the server begins to not respond for TLS traffic. As the server is partially open on internet, I force TLS, so it is very annoying for us.
I change a lot of parameters, I already read several thread about that (and more specially, the one with exactly the same error message as me, where it was solved by specifying the same ciphers in slapd.conf and ldap.conf, but it doesn't work for me ...)
You will find all my parameters below, hope I forget nothing. I can provide more log files with and without the problem on demand.
The ldap server is used by apache, postfix, saslauthd, pam_ldap, nss_ldap ...
Thanks in advance if someone can found a solution for me !!!
We are experiencing exactly the same issues without having found any solution yet. Any suggestion highly appreciated!
Thanks, Fabian Steiner