--On Monday, April 06, 2009 5:36 PM +0200 Thomas van Oudenhove vanouden@univ-toulouse.fr wrote:
Quanah Gibson-Mount a écrit :
Have you looked at your DB_CONFIG settings? Locks, lockers, lock objects? cachesize in relation to DB size? etc.
here are my DB_CONFIG settings : set_cachesize 0 268435456 1 set_lg_regionmax 262144 set_lg_bsize 2097152 set_flags DB_LOG_AUTOREMOVE
I've added : checkpoint 128 15 to my slapd.conf and the larger of my __db* files is 327688 kB
do you think I must set a cachesize larger ? (than what ? )
but the point is that the whole thing worked perfectly during one month and a half, and suddenly crashed... and I cannot go back to the previous performance, even when I completely delete and rebuild the bdb... even if I need to make the thing work, I'd like to understand what happened...
Hi Thomas,
Since I don't know the particulars of your database, I don't know whether or not your database configuration is sufficient for your system. I'd suggest reading up on proper DB tuning, and the parameters for tuning slapd (see the slapd-bdb(5) man page). In particular on the BDB side:
What's the total size of your database? (du -c -h *.bdb) How many locks, lockers and lock objects are you using? (You'll need to find the right db_stat binary for your database, and then use the -c option)
How many total entries are in your database? What is your cachesize setting in slapd.conf in relation to that? What's your idlcachesize setting? etc.
Quanah Gibson-Mount Principal Software Engineer Zimbra, Inc -------------------- Zimbra :: the leader in open source messaging and collaboration