You are still using two *structural* objectclass with different inheritance chains in the same entry, which will not work.
Fix that before you waste your time on anything else.
Regards, Buchan
On Thursday 22 March 2007, shilpa muramkar wrote:
well...nothing seems to be working out :(
as per ur the below snippet
objectclass( NAME 'ssauser' DESC 'SSA User' SUP *ssabase* STRUCTURAL MAY( telephonenumber $ title $ mobile $ displayname $ facsimiletelephonenumber $ preferredlanguage $ postaladdress $ c ) )
objectclass( NAME 'ssantuser' DESC 'SSA NT User Profile' SUP *top *STRUCTURAL MUST ntuserdomainid ) ..*ssabase* objectclass comes from *top* v can say that both the object classes come from same objectclass chain.
No you can't. ssantuser inherits from top, but ssauser inherits from ssabase, so you have:
top-->ssabase->ssauser |->ssantuser
You either need:
or, one of these must be auxiliary.
Regards, Buchan