Thanks for the reply. After looking at the conf file, inetorgperson.schema wasn't being included. I added a line to include it, but now I get the following error when starting slapd:
/opt/openldap//etc/openldap/schema/inetorgperson.schema: line 155: AttributeType not found: "audio"
It seems something is off in the formatting of this particular schema file, unless there's something else to add to my conf file. I took the same schema file (from and compared it to the one that came with redhat's RPM installation, and the files are identical in size. I get the same error using their schema file. Any more suggestions?
-----Original Message----- From: [] On Behalf Of Turbo Fredriksson Sent: Friday, October 05, 2007 2:07 PM To: Subject: Re: upgrade from 2.2 to 2.3, LDIF file difference...
"Dan" == Dan Denton writes:
Dan> modifying entry "cn=jjohnson,ou=users,dc=remitpro,dc=local" Dan> ldap_modify: Invalid syntax (21) additional info: Dan> objectclass: value #1 invalid per syntax
I got that once (or twice) when the LDAP server was missing an objectclass definition. Are you loading all schema's?