On Wed, 7 Oct 2009, Dieter Kluenter wrote:
Michael Smith msmith@cbnco.com writes:
Has anyone tried using the memberof overlay with syncrepl?
There have been made many fixes since 2.4.12, in particular to syncrepl. I would suggest to update to the last available version (which is as of today 2.4.18) from: http://download.opensuse.org/repositories/network:/ldap:/OpenLDAP:/RE24/SLE_...
If you still experience some errors you should come back.
Thanks, this is very helpful.
2.4.18 seems to work as long as I run the memberof overlay on both nodes. The stacking order of the overlays (memberof, syncprov) doesn't make a difference as far as I can tell. Does that make sense?
The entryCSNs tend not to match between nodes. For example, if I add testuser5 to a group on node 2, I might get:
node 1: entryCSN: 20091008032142.915412Z#000000#002#000000 node 2: entryCSN: 20091008032402.932100Z#000000#002#000000
Sometimes even the server IDs in the CSNs don't match:
node 1: entryCSN: 20091008031908.047245Z#000000#001#000000 node 2: entryCSN: 20091008032301.666362Z#000000#002#000000
But the other attributes always seems to match. I'm just a bit uneasy about the entryCSNs; I assume they're supposed to be the same across all nodes, right?
Thanks, Mike