--On Thursday, October 12, 2006 6:33 AM +0200 Pierangelo Masarati ando@sys-net.it wrote:
My understand is that is the point of this bit of configuration?
database relay suffix cn=outlook,dc=stanford,dc=edu relay cn=people,dc=stanford,dc=edu massage
but that doesn't do it.
That __should__ do it.
Well, I think I've tracked this down to this line:
rwm-rewriteRule "(.+,)?cn=outlook,dc=stanford,dc=edu$" "$1cn=people,dc=stanford,dc=edu" ":"
If I take that line out, the rewriting occurs -- But I get no data from the entries, just the DN's.
If I keep the line, then the DN's are rewritten, but I get to see the entry data. I'm guessing that's an ITS if there isn't one on it already...
We got to a point where schema is essential for all internal operations -- and I wouldn't back off --; for this purposes, we rather developed tools to munch and digest the worst schema sources ever. I rather prefer having control on what is getting in, and especially on what's pushed out. Note that in order to push out search results you don't need to know matching rules for attributes; but you will to accept filters. So a best practice consists in knowing the schema for all items, and generate dummy schema for unknown items with something like "octetStringMatch" as equality rule, so that it smoothly passes frontend filter validation. Any overlay would be useless at this point, since overlays cannot take control __before__ filter validation, or when determining if an attribute was requested. I can share some of those tools if you want to try them (too busy to release them "officially", sorry).
Hm, I guess in my case, the issue is, I don't care about the filters, because the filters are using normal attributes. What I care about is what is on the return, and I honestly care less whether or not they even exist in a schema. But, I could always load in some schemas if necessary, it shouldn't hurt anything.
Overall though, it seems the functionality just isn't stable enough at this point to deploy onto my production servers. :/
-- Quanah Gibson-Mount Principal Software Developer ITS/Shared Application Services Stanford University GnuPG Public Key: http://www.stanford.edu/~quanah/pgp.html