I've tried the mirrormode, explained in the doc that Gavin posted, but in every change that i made, the ldap server returns me the following error: [key i'm attemping to change] failed : shadow context; no update referral
My 2 databases are far from being syncronized. Do the databases have to be already syncronized to keep syncronizing with mirrormode or something?
slapd.conf server 1
# Replicas of this database ## DEPRACATED #replogfile /var/lib/ldap/openldap-master-replog #replica host= # binddn="cn=root,dc=dominio,dc=com,dc=br" # bindmethod=simple credentials=######
# Replicas of this database serverID 1 syncrepl rid=001 provider=ldap:// bindmethod=simple binddn="cn=root,dc=dominio,dc=com,dc=br" credentials=mirrormode searchbase="dc=dominio,dc=com,dc=br" schemachecking=on type=refreshAndPersist retry="60 +"
mirrormode on
slapd.conf server 2
###### sync with the main server ## DEPRECATED #updatedn "cn=root,dc=dominio,dc=com,dc=br" #updateref ldap://
serverID 2 syncrepl rid=001 provider=ldap:// bindmethod=simple binddn="cn=root,dc=dominio,dc=com,dc=br" credentials=mirrormode searchbase="dc=dominio,dc=com,dc=br" schemachecking=on type=refreshAndPersist retry="60 +"
mirrormode on
Gavin Henry escreveu:
----- "Leonardo Carneiro" lscarneiro@veltrac.com.br wrote:
Hi Gavin and everyone,
The openvpn link is ok and both servers have visibility of each other. In fact, the vpn doesn't just link the 2 servers, both the whole networks. About slurpd and syncrepl, now that you said i suppose that syncrepl is a improved way of replicate the server (i really don't know the difference =P). Can i do a 2-way replication with syncrepl (every change in each server will be replicated to the other one)? I'll read about and give a try. Tks for the info.
Yes, please do read http://www.openldap.org/doc/admin24/replication.html and make sure you uprgade to our stable version, which is 2.4.16 for best experience and support.