hi, i had recently applied for OIDs with IANA. and they have sent me a Personal Enterprise Number(PEN) (consider it as "pqrs"). The prefix they have sent is
"for attributes i have used-----" "for objectclasses i have used----"
Using that i have created OIDs for my purpose. my schema file looks like below.
attributetype( NAME 'outofofficeon' DESC 'Specifies if the user is out of office or not' SYNTAX 'cis' SINGLE-VALUE )
attributetype( NAME 'timezone' DESC 'Time zone of the entry' SYNTAX 'cis' SINGLE-VALUE )
attributetype( NAME 'shippingaddress' DESC 'Shipping address of the entry' SYNTAX 'cis' MULTI-VALUE )
objectclass( NAME 'ssausergroup' DESC 'SSA Usergroup' SUP groupofuniquenames STRUCTURAL MAY( ssarole $ ssaugtype ) )
objectclass( NAME 'ssabase' DESC 'SSA Base' SUP top STRUCTURAL MUST( uid $ cn $ sn )
now i am trying to run an LDIF file which contains a sample data like
dn: uid=admin,ou=ssausers,dc=ssainternal,dc=net changetype: add objectClass: top objectClass: ssauser objectClass: ssantuser uid: admin cn: admin userpassword: admin ssarole: administrator ssarole: superadministrator sn: admin preferredlanguage: en_US ntuserdomainid: ssainternal
using the ldapadd command....all the data gets added except for the above one. It gives me an error saying
ldap_add: Invalid syntax(21)
additional info: objectClass: value #1 invalid per syntax.
Does it mean that the objectclasses i have mentioned in the above ldif entry are causing the problem?? i.e "ssauser", "ssantuser"?????
Is it that the definitions of these objectclasses in schema is not proper?? Or has it got anything to do with the way i have arranged the OIDs?
kindly help me out with this..........
waiting fo rur reply