Hmm... it seems related:
$ slapd_db_recover blah usage: db_recover [-ceVv] [-h home] [-P password] [-t [[CC]YY]MMDDhhmm[.SS]]
(I am assuming it is related because the useage line refers to "db_recover" and not "slapd_db_recover".)
However, they are not identical: $ ll /usr/bin/db_recover -r-xr-xr-x 1 root root 8704 Feb 21 2005 /usr/bin/db_recover $ ll /usr/sbin/slapd_db_recover -rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 8932 Aug 12 2006 /usr/sbin/slapd_db_recover
Obviously, the difference may be superficial.
But, I'd still like to know where the "slapd_db_*" apps come from.
BTW, I run CentOS 4.4 and the rpm came from the centos repo:
$ rpm -qlp openldap-servers-2.2.13-6.4E.i386.rpm |grep slapd_db /usr/lib/ /usr/lib/tls/i486/ /usr/lib/tls/i586/ /usr/lib/tls/i686/ /usr/sbin/slapd_db_archive /usr/sbin/slapd_db_checkpoint /usr/sbin/slapd_db_deadlock /usr/sbin/slapd_db_dump /usr/sbin/slapd_db_load /usr/sbin/slapd_db_printlog /usr/sbin/slapd_db_recover /usr/sbin/slapd_db_stat /usr/sbin/slapd_db_upgrade /usr/sbin/slapd_db_verify
Quanah Gibson-Mount wrote:
--On May 25, 2007 12:09:58 PM -0700 Craig wrote:
I had been using openldap 2.2.13 installed via yum.
I installed 2.3.35 via src. But, I don't see slapd_db_recover (or any of the related apps; slapd_db_checkpoint, slapd_db_dump, etc.)
I also did a search thru the 2.3.35 src files and I don't see any special configure/make flags that builds them.
Am I missing something? Is there is "tools" package I need to install?
None of those are commands supplied by OpenLDAP. They look like BDB DB commands prefixed with "slapd_". Must be something weird your distro does.
-- Quanah Gibson-Mount Principal Software Engineer Zimbra, Inc
Zimbra :: the leader in open source messaging and collaboration