Gavin Henry wrote:
<quote who="JOYDEEP">
Dieter Kluenter wrote:
JOYDEEP writes:
Dear list,
Please see below my LDAP structure
*################ personal ACL ####################### access to dn.regex="cn=([^,]+),ou=personal,ou=contacts,ou=contacts,virtualDomain=([^,]+),dc=suse,dc=ldap$" by dn.exact,expand="uid=$1,ou=users,virtualDomain=$2,dc=suse,dc=ldap" read by * none
access to dn.regex="cn=([^,]+),ou=personal,ou=contacts,,ou=contactsvirtualDomain=([^,]+),dc=suse,dc=ldap$" by dn.regex="uid=$1,ou=users,virtualDomain=$2,dc=suse,dc=ldap" write by * none #################################################
the log reports ****tag=105 err=50 text=no write access to parent********** could any one suggest how to solve the problem ? thanks
Allow access to the pseudo attributs entry and children of the parent.
access to dn.regex=^ou=personal,ou=contacts,ou=contactsvirtualDomain..... attrs=entry,children,@someObjectClass by ...
Thanks Dieter for your response,
I have modified the ACL according to your suggestion and it is
access to dn.regex="^ou=personal,ou=contacts,ou=contacts,virtualDomain=([^,]+),dc=suse,dc=ldap$"
attrs=entry,children,@inetOrgPerson,@mozillaAbPersonAlpha,@evolutionPerson by dn.exact,expand="uid=$1,ou=users,virtualDomain=$2,dc=suse,dc=ldap" write by * none
but still I have the same problem and the log reports as
conn=40 op=2 ADD dn="uid=d61af5515669698f52734f247c0f68ae,cn=bisu,ou=personal,ou=contacts,ou=contacts,,dc=suse,dc=ldap" Jul 9 08:00:53 lvps87-230-8-228 slapd[14106]: conn=40 op=2 RESULT tag=105 err=50 text=no write access to parent
Please help me to solve it. thanks a lot for your help
In the above, there are only one set of (), so your domain is going inside $1, and nothing is saved in $2.
I would put it back to (still using the new attrs section by Dieter):
attrs=entry,children,@inetOrgPerson,@mozillaAbPersonAlpha,@evolutionPerson by dn.exact,expand="uid=$1,ou=users,virtualDomain=$2,dc=suse,dc=ldap" write by * none
Hi Gavin, I have modified the ACL au u suggest
access to dn.regex="cn=([^,]+),ou=personal,ou=contacts,ou=contacts,virtualDomain=([^,]+),dc=suse,dc=ldap$"
attr=entry,children,@inetOrgPerson,@posixAccount,@mozillaAbPersonAlpha,@evolutionPerson by dn.exact,expand="uid=$1,ou=users,virtualDomain=$2,dc=suse,dc=ldap" write by * none
but still I have
Jul 9 08:56:27 lvps87-230-8-228 slapd[30315]: conn=4 op=2 ADD dn="uid=cf594fcd2bace89814a3a2a62e6f9f91,cn=bisu,ou=personal,ou=contacts,ou=contacts,,dc=suse,dc=ldap" Jul 9 08:56:27 lvps87-230-8-228 slapd[30315]: conn=4 op=2 RESULT tag=105 err=50 text=no write access to parent
I'v also tried with dn.regex="^cn=([^,]+),ou=personal,ou....................... but with the same efect