--On January 7, 2008 9:19:42 AM +0200 Dmitrij Mironov dm@e-net.lt wrote:
Hello guys,
I need to synchronize non-OpenLDAP LDAP v.2 server (RSA Keon) with OpenLDAP.
RSA Keon LDAP is master and it must be replicated to OpenLDAP slave server. Question is - will that work? I mean - is it necessary to have only OpenLDAP servers for Syncrepl to work, or consumer-side OpenLDAP server can replicate with non-OpenLDAP LDAP server?
LDAPv2 and LDAPv3 are not strictly compatible. I've never used the RSA Keon server, so I have no idea what replication or logging mechanisms it has available, but I would hope you would have a way to write out the data to an LDIF file, and then use that to feed the OpenLDAP server. I would suggest that if you have any other thoughts on this thread, that you re-direct it to the openldap-technical list, which is more orientated towards interoperability discussions.
Quanah Gibson-Mount Principal Software Engineer Zimbra, Inc -------------------- Zimbra :: the leader in open source messaging and collaboration