--On Tuesday, April 17, 2007 5:29 PM -0400 Andrew Scott ascott@appriss.com wrote:
Confused is a very apt description of what I am right now.
I'm wading through the nightmare that is getting Linux machines to auth with Kerberos to Active Directory, and using OpenLDAP to do user/group lookups instead of Winbind.
I started down the road of getting Kerberos support compiled in because ldapsearch would not auth using gssapi. Sorting through all the documentation, I found the -k option, and set about getting that to work.
-k still doesn't work, because I didn't compile kbind in, but after doing what I did below, I ended up with an ldapsearch that WOULD auth via SASL/GSS. Simply doing the default build left me with an ldapsearch utility that I couldn't use to search AD.
Right, -k was specific to the old Kerberos v4 kbind functionality, and would never have allowed you to do a SASL/GSSAPI bind to AD anyway. ;)
It sounds like the default build on SuSE just misses compiling Cyrus SASL against Heimdal. As long as you compile the *same* version of Cyrus SASL against Heimdal, you likely don't even need to rebuild OpenLDAP, assuming a dynamic build -- OpenLDAP simply calls out to Cyrus SASL to find out what mechanisms are available (hint, see the -Y flag to ldapsearch).
-- Quanah Gibson-Mount Senior Systems Software Developer ITS/Shared Application Services Stanford University GnuPG Public Key: http://www.stanford.edu/~quanah/pgp.html