On Wed, Feb 27, 2008 at 8:42 AM, Marten Lehmann lehmann@cnm.de wrote:
we are currently running openldap 2.2.13 with a bdb-4.2.52 backend as it comes with RHEL4. We have about 50.000 cn's each having about 5-10 attributes with a length of no longer than 100 characters. So our dataset is not very big.
We have a lot of concurrent reads since or ldap provides the data for incoming and pop3/imap servers. But we have only about 100 changes/adds a day, not more.
Yesterday we had the second bdb problem in our 1 year ldap setup. The problem is, that we cannot really detect the crash, since ldap queries just hang, but neither they timeout nor openldap is crashing. We just notice the mailserver issues and have to track it down to openldap and bdb. As with last time, we had to shutdown openldap and recover bdb.
Fortunately we have been able to recover the data-directory both times using dv_recover. But in fact, we want to have a backend, that doesn't crash twice a year. And as our setup is growing and we want to start with replication, we want a backend to whom we can trust.
BDB worked very solidly at my last company. I deployed a server that had a couple hundred thousand queries per day (though maybe only 50-100 writes), and the server never crashed once and was still running 2.5 years later when it was finally decommissioned. It had to be dragged offline kicking and screaming. :-)