On Mon, 13 Apr 2009, Scott Koranda wrote:
Is there a loglevel that will show me the value being sent by the client for the attribute that is being modified?
Well, yeah, loglevel packets ;)
I modified slapd.conf so that
loglevel 16 256
I believe from the man page of slapd.conf that should cover "packets"
16 (0x10 BER) print out packets sent and received
and "stats"
256 (0x100 stats) stats log connections/operations/results
I then restarted slapd and made a modification again to the 'mail' attribute for a particular DN and verified that the modification worked. In the log file I see this:
Apr 13 18:03:05 oregano slapd[3803]: conn=10383 op=1 MOD dn="employeeNumber=882, ou=people,dc=myorg,dc=org" Apr 13 18:03:05 oregano slapd[3803]: conn=10383 op=1 MOD attr=mail Apr 13 18:03:06 oregano slapd[3803]: conn=10383 op=1 RESULT tag=103 err=0 text= Apr 13 18:03:06 oregano slapd[3803]: conn=10383 op=2 UNBIND Apr 13 18:03:06 oregano slapd[3803]: conn=10383 fd=17 closed
So I am still not seeing the value for the attribute that the client is being passed.
Suggest you consider slapo-accesslog(5). Try http://www.openldap.org/lists/openldap-software/200901/msg00102.html for a real world example.
Thanks. I will indeed look into that module.
Still, since not all the OpenLDAP slapd servers I would like to support are under my direct administrative control I would still be interested in hearing of configurations to loglevel that would show the values for attributes being modified or added.