dn: dc=linux,dc=box ObjectClass: dcObject dc: linux structuralObjectClass:dcObject
You shouldn't need to specify the structuralObjectClass, as it should be implied by the objectClass. What errors do you get from ldapadd?
I am using slapadd and it reports
str2entry: entry -1 has multiple DNs "dc=box" and "o=kolkata.in,dc=box"
I think I would just start over with something more like this: (from my head -- not tested)
dn: dc=linux,dc=box objectclass: dcObject objectclass: organization o: Linux Box dc: linux
dn: o=kolkata.in,dc=linux,dc=box objectclass: organization o: kolkata.in
dn: o=delihi.in,dc=linux,dc=box objectclass: organization o: delihi.in
dn: ou=xxx,o=yyyy,dc=linux,dc=cox objectclass: organizationalunit ou: xxx