"Laura Iacob" laura.iacob@gmail.com writes:
Hello there, I need some assistance with an error generated while trying to perform a slapcat. /usr/local/openldap/sbin/slapcat -d 1 -l /home/backup/output.ldif slapcat init: initiated tool.
dnNormalize: <cn=Subschema>
<<< dnNormalize: <cn=subschema> Unrecognized database type (bdb) database bdb initialization failed. slapcat: bad configuration file! The database which is currently available in the path as set-up in slapd.conf was recently copied(binary copy) from another machine in order to perform some tests on it. slapd.conf has the exact configuration as on the the machine from which the database was copied.... However the openldap version seem to be different between the systems: on the test machine : openldap-2.0.27-22 on the production machine: openldap-2.0.23-4 Can the difference between the two cause the error?
Now you know why copying a database is evil, it is an absolutely no no. :-) I can't remember wether bdb was available in openldap-2.0 already so check if it is ldbm instead of bdb, but their might be different BerkeleyDB versions involved as well, so check this.