I need to create few object classes and attribute types ..hence i created a schema file of my own with all the entries...i have used the experimental OIDs specified in openLDAP.org in my schema file which is openLDAP experimental ** Experimental attribute types ** Experimental objectclasses ** Experimental syntax **
.......sample schema file is as below.........
attributetype( NAME 'ssarole' DESC 'This attribute defines the role' SYNTAX MULTI-VALUE )
attributetype( NAME 'ssaugtype' DESC 'This is Usergroup Type' SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE )
attributetype( NAME 'approverlimit' DESC 'Limit of the approver' SYNTAX SINGLE-VALUE )
objectclass( NAME 'ssauser' DESC 'SSA User' SUP ssabase STRUCTURAL MAY( telephonenumber $ title $ mobile $ displayname $ facsimiletelephonenumber $ preferredlanguage $ postaladdress $ c ) )
objectclass( NAME 'supplier' DESC 'SSA Supplier' SUP ssauser STRUCTURAL MUST businesspartnerid )
objectclass( NAME 'customer' DESC 'SSA Customer' SUP ssauser STRUCTURAL MUST businesspartnerid )
objectclass( NAME 'ssaroleobj' DESC 'SSA Role' SUP top STRUCTURAL MUST cn MAY description )
and then i have included my schema file into the slapd.conf.....
now i have tried to add my ldif file (using ldapmodify) ....which looks like below(theres just one entry at present)..............
dn: uid=admin,ou=ssausers,dc=ssainternal,dc=net changetype: add objectClass: top objectClass: ssauser objectClass: ssantuser objectclass: ssabase uid: admin cn: admin userpassword: admin ssarole: administrator ssarole: superadministrator sn: admin preferredlanguage: en_US ntuserdomainid: ssainternal .....................
but i get an error saying
ldap_add: Invalid syntax (21) additional info: objectClass: value #1 invalid per syntax
our schema file is actually not being recognized by the server i.e, though i include it or not in the slapd.conf its making no difference :(...........and hence the object classes arnt being recognized...........
is it because of the OIDs i have used or is there any *real syntax* *error*in the schema file............is it ok if i append my schema details in any of the openLDAP schema files(core.schema,,,,nis.schema....misc.schema )???????
kindly let me know as to how to get that ldif entry added .