I deployed an LDAP system and a set of applications around it that is highly sensitive to the order of values, e.g first telephoneNumber must be the main contact method, first value of companyRepresentative must be the DN of the main contact person. The value of the data is almost rely on the order of the values, and I used referential integrity overlay without first checking if it preserve the order of values
my discovery: referential integrity overlay always puts the last modified value at the bottom.
companyRepresentative: cn=David Jone,ou=sales,o=example.com companyRepresentative: cn=John Carmack,ou=development,o=example.com
Now if David Jone is renamed to "David Jones" because people find his name is misspelled, then after modrdn operation, the result is:
companyRepresentative: cn=John Carmack,ou=development,o=example.com companyRepresentative: cn=David Jones,ou=sales,o=example.com
So people begin to contact John Carmack for all affairs.
What's the best way to solve this problem? I can only think of 1) try to modify source code of slapo-refint to make it maintain order (big problem, never worked on C source code before, or 2) try to use several attributes like "FirstCompanyRepresentative", "SecondCompanyRepresentative", "ThirdCompanyRepresentative"