RedHat 5.2 system running kernel 2.6.18-92.1.6.el5. in a VMware instance.
This system runs as a master to 3 other syncrepl slaves. Very few queries are made against this system, it is simply a central place to direct updates to. Writes are infrequent, averaging 4-5 and hour. Databases are hdb.
This system was running openldap-servers-2.3.39-3.rhel5.x86_64 for several months until a few days ago when I did a update via yum pointing to
This system has been running without issues until last night. Then this appeared in the logs during deletion of a user account:
Jul 25 02:41:51 janus slapd[31075]: conn=7142 op=1 DEL dn="uid=pcass,ou=People,dc=une,dc=edu,dc=au" Jul 25 02:41:51 janus slapd[31075]: conn=7142 op=1 RESULT tag=107 err=80 text=DN index delete failed
Few questions:
- are you using bdb/hdb or ldbm?
- did you run slapindex as root while your slapd runs as a regular user?
You should be able to recover by slapcat'ting the database (the entry should no longer be there) and slapadd'ing the resulting file. Make sure permissions and ownership are correct before restarting the database. And upgrade: OpenLDAP 2.3.43 is available (and 2.4.11).
Ing. Pierangelo Masarati OpenLDAP Core Team
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