--On Friday, October 27, 2006 10:48 AM -0700 Quanah Gibson-Mount quanah@stanford.edu wrote:
--On Friday, October 27, 2006 7:17 PM +0200 David Pruem pruem@hdm-stuttgart.de wrote:
I'm running an openldap 2.2.23 replica on a debian 3.1 (sarge) system. Once in a while the index gets damaged and I have to use slapreindex to get authentication working again.
The master server is running on fedora core (I don't know the version).
Is there anything I can do about this problem?
Well, I've never seen that behavior, and your report is kind of vague on the details. But I'd certainly recommend using a current version of OpenLDAP (2.3.28 is the current release). Or at least use 2.2.30, which was the final 2.2 release.
What version of BDB is your replica using? 4.2? 4.3?
Howard reminded me to ask... What database backend are you using? LDBM? BDB?
-- Quanah Gibson-Mount Principal Software Developer ITS/Shared Application Services Stanford University GnuPG Public Key: http://www.stanford.edu/~quanah/pgp.html