Buon giorno Pierangelo,
The [] around the $2 solved this problem.
Grazie, Ronie
-------- Original Message -------- Subject: Re: set.regex and substring substitution From: Pierangelo Masarati masarati@aero.polimi.it To: ronie@ronie.com.br Cc: openldap-software@openldap.org Date: Thu Sep 17 2009 07:02:23 GMT-0300
access to dn.regex="^(.+,)?ou=([^,]+),ou=Mail,o=example,c=BR$" by set.regex="user/allowedDomain & [$2]" write
since the domain, after regex expansion, should be treated as a literal. Moreover,
access to dn.regex="^(.+,)?ou=([^,]+),ou=Mail,o=example,c=BR$" by set.expand="user/allowedDomain & [$2]" write
should be more appropriate.