I want to give a certain DN access to userpassword attribute and to be able to delete and add entries from one OU on my LDAP tree. --- tree-root ..OU=adm ...."DN I want to give rights", lets call it "webmail-domain-xyz".
..OU=people ....cn=10000000000,ou=people,dc=organization,dc=org ---
The DN's "webmail-domain-xyz" will have access will always be the form "cn=10000000000,ou=people,dc=organization,dc=org", where the cn will be from 10000000000 to 19999999999.
My question is related to my ACL's processing:
------------ current working ACL's ----- # ACL 0 access to dn.base="cn=Subschema" by * read
# ACL 1 access to attrs=userPKCS12 by self write by * auth
# ACL 2 access to attrs=shadowLastChange by self write by * read
# ACL 3 access to attrs=userPassword by dn="cn=reallysureyouwannauserootdn,dc=organization,dc=org" write by anonymous auth by self write by * none
# ACL 4 access to dn.base="" by * read
# ACL 5, 6 # (So Dovecot won't look where it's not supposed to, and will not complain about duplicated entries) access to dn.subtree="ou=moodle001,ou=moodleusers,ou=people,dc=organization,dc=org" by dn="uid=MoodleLDAPAdmin001,ou=adm,dc=organization,dc=org" write by dn="uid=dovecot-domain-xyz,ou=adm,dc=organization,dc=org" none by * read
access to dn.subtree="ou=moodle001,ou=moodlecourses,dc=organization,dc=org" by dn="uid=MoodleLDAPAdmin001,ou=adm,dc=organization,dc=org" write by dn="uid=dovecot-domain-xyz,ou=adm,dc=organization,dc=org" none by * read
# ACL 7 # So webmail related scripts can add new users to LDAP. access to dn.subtree="ou=people,dc=organization,dc=org" by dn="uid=webmail-domain-xyz,ou=adm,dc=organization,dc=org" write by * read # ACL 8 access to * by dn="cn=reallysureyouwannauserootdn,dc=organization,dc=org" write by * read
------------ current working ACL's -----
Q1) This is the ACL I need to add(?):
----- new acl access to dn.regex="^(.+,)?cn=([^,]+),ou=people,dc=organization,dc=org$" attrs=userPassword by dn="cn=reallysureyouwannauserootdn,dc=organization,dc=org" write by dn="uid=webmail-domain-xyz,ou=adm,dc=organization,dc=org" write by anonymous auth by self write by * none
----- new acl
Q2) Since I need these to continue to (co)exist: - users under OU=people continue to have write access to their userpassword fields - all other users (that are not under OU=people) to continue to have write access to their userpassword fields. - the root dn to continue to have write access to everyone's userpassword field - the webmail-domain-xyz to now have write access to user password fields of the users under OU=people
(QUESTION) this "new acl" needs to go between the current ACL #2 and ACL #3, right?
Since this "new acl" is a subcase of the current ACL #3, I need to put the "new acl" before the ACL #3, and make sure all cases that are _not_ related to the "new acl" do not make a match when the "new acl" is being processed (so they will fall under ACL #3 or go further to the next ACL's). I analized (since a match means "stop processing"):
- the "what" - everyone else that do not match the "who" - all DN's under the OU=people - the root DN - the webmail DN (new "who" on the scenario)
Q3) If I need to make the regex a little more specific, is this right:
dn.regex="^cn=([^1][0-9]+),ou=people,dc=organization,dc=org$" attrs=userPassword
(to match cn=10000000000,ou=people,dc=organization,dc=org or cn=19999999999,ou=people,dc=organization,dc=org).
Q4) Is ACL #7 gonna be affected by the "new acl"? I mean, if the "webmail-domain-xyz" DN wants do add a new user to OU=people, will ACL processing stop on the "new acl", and never get to the ACL #7? Because the "new acl" only mentions the userPassword attribute, not the right to _add entries under OU=people_.
references to get here: - man 5 slapd.access - http://www.openldap.org/lists/openldap-software/200602/msg00077.html - http://www.openldap.org/lists/openldap-software/200602/msg00080.html