This has got to be something simple, but it's just not surfacing for me today.... Arg....
This is what I am getting after running "slapd -d 1" inside of MSYS: "could not stat config file "%SYSCONFDIR%/schema/core.schema": No such file or directory (2)"
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1.
This is what the environment variable "SYSCONFDIR" looks like inside of MSYS by issuing the "set" command:
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2.
mae@JLF /local/libexec $ ls -la /local/etc/openldap/schema/core.schema -r--r--r-- 1 mae Administ 20353 Jun 12 15:36 /local/etc/openldap/schema/core.schema
mae@JLF /local/libexec
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3.
Error running "slapd -d 1" inside of MSYS:
mae@JLF /local/libexec $ slapd -d 1 @(#) $OpenLDAP: slapd 2.3.35 (May 21 2007 16:51:47) $ @JLF:/home/Joe/openldap-2.3.35/servers/slapd daemon_init: listen on ldap:/// daemon_init: 1 listeners to open... ldap_url_parse_ext(ldap:///) daemon: listener initialized ldap:/// daemon_init: 1 listeners opened slapd.exe init: initiated server. bdb_back_initialize: initialize BDB backend bdb_back_initialize: Berkeley DB 4.5.20: (September 20, 2006) hdb_back_initialize: initialize HDB backend hdb_back_initialize: Berkeley DB 4.5.20: (September 20, 2006) could not stat config file "%SYSCONFDIR%/schema/core.schema": No such file or directory (2) slapd.exe destroy: freeing system resources. slapd stopped. connections_destroy: nothing to destroy.
mae@JLF /local/libexec